Q&A Search Results

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4 Results
1 / 1pages
  • Can my Unown V with a "Forest Seal Stone" Pokémon Tool attached use the "Star Alchemy" VSTAR Power Ability when the "Path to the Peak" Stadium is in play?
    Yes, it can.
  • My Unown VSTAR has an Ability after using its "Star Cipher" VSTAR Power attack. If I played the "Path to the Peak" Stadium, would Unown VSTAR's Ability be turned off?
    Yes, Unown VSTAR's Ability would be turned off. If the "Path to the Peak" was then removed from play, Unown VSTAR's Ability would activate again.
  • Can my Pokémon V with a "Sky Seal Stone" Pokémon Tool attached use the VSTAR Power Ability "Star Order" when the "Path to the Peak" Stadium is in play?
    Yes, it can.
  • Related Cards Path to the Peak
    If I use my Gastrodon's "Earthquake" attack, does my benched Bidoof with the "Carefree Countenance" Ability take 20 damage?
    No, it doesn't take any damage.


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