Q&A Search Results

*Search by card name or text displayed on card
*Other than rules, some abilities and attacks of cards are also published.

269 Results
13 / 14pages
  • What Energy should I attach to pay for Colorless Energy costs?
    Any type of Energy will do.
  • What do the symbols on the left of attacks means?
    The symbols on the left side of an attack shows that attack's Cost. A Pokémon can use an attack if it has at least the Energy in its Attack Cost attached to it.
  • How are Pokémon attacks used?
    If your Pokémon has the required Energy attached to use that attack, you can tell your opponent that you're using that attack. After using an attack, your turn ends.
  • What happens to Item cards after they've been used?
    Item cards get discarded after they've been used.
  • What happens to Supporter cards after they've been used?
    Supporter cards get discarded after they've been used.
  • How are Trainer cards played?
    When using a Trainer card, play it from your hand, read out its effect, and do what's written on the card.
  • Do Trainer cards get discarded after they've been used?
    Item cards and Supporter cards get discarded after they've been used. Stadium cards stay in play.
  • What does it mean to "attach Energy"?
    "Attaching Energy" means attaching (putting on) an Energy card to a Pokémon in play.Pokémon need Energy to attack or retreat. You can attach one Energy from your hand to one of your Pokémon during each of your turns.
  • I don't have any Colorless Energy.
    "Basic Colorless Energy" cards don't exist. A Colorless Energy symbol means that attaching any type of Energy will work.
  • Does a Colorless attack cost mean that the attack doesn't need any Energy to be used?
    No, you still need to attach Energy to use those attacks. It just means that any type of Energy will do.
  • What should I do with the Prize cards I take?
    Put them into your hand.
  • What are those "Retreat" Colorless symbols on the bottom right of Pokémon cards?
    They show how much Energy the Pokémon needs in order to retreat: its "Retreat Cost". When a Pokémon retreats from the Active Spot, you must discard as many Energy from that Pokémon as is written in its Retreat Cost.
  • What happens when a Pokémon gets Knocked Out?
    When a Pokémon gets Knocked Out, proceed as follows:Discard the Pokémon that was Knocked Out, along with all cards attached to it. Then, that Pokémon's opposing player takes one of their own Prize cards. If the Pokémon that was Knocked Out was in the Active Spot, its player chooses a Pokémon to replace it in the Active Spot.
  • What does "Knocked Out" mean?
    A Pokémon being Knocked Out means that it can't battle anymore and has to leave the field. When a Pokémon takes damage equal to or greater than its HP, it gets Knocked Out and goes to the discard pile.
  • What happens if I Knock Out one of my own Pokémon with my Active Pokémon's attack?
    If one of your Pokémon is Knocked Out by damage from your own Active Pokémon's attacks, it is resolved the same way as if it had been Knocked Out by your opponent's Active Pokémon. Discard your Knocked Out Pokémon and all cards attached to it, and your opponent takes one Prize card into their hand.
  • What happens when a Pokémon gets Knocked Out by the effect of a Special Condition such as "Poisoned"?
    If a Pokémon is Knocked Out during Pokémon Checkup, it is resolved the same way as when a Pokémon gets Knocked Out by an attack, which is as follows:Discard the Pokémon that was Knocked Out, along with all cards attached to it. Then, that Pokémon's opposing player takes one of their own Prize cards. If the Pokémon that was Knocked Out was in the Active Spot, its player chooses a Pokémon to replace it in the Active Spot.
  • When a Pokémon gets Knocked Out, what happens to the Energy attached to it?
    The Energy attached to the Pokémon that got Knocked Out gets discarded along with the Pokémon card.
  • When a Pokémon gets Knocked Out, who takes which Prize cards?
    Whenever a player's Pokémon gets Knocked Out, their opponent takes one of their own Prize cards.
  • After my Active Pokémon has been Knocked Out, I put a Pokémon from the Bench in the Active Spot, but then changed my mind – can I immediately put a different Pokémon in its place?
    No, you can't. Once you've put a new Pokémon in the Active Spot, you can't switch it until it's your turn, where you can then retreat it or switch it with a Benched Pokémon with the effect of a card.
  • After Knocking Out a Pokémon with an attack, can I immediately play the card I took from my Prize cards?
    No, you can't. Since your turn ends when you use an attack, you'll have to wait until your next turn to play more cards, including the one you drew as a Prize card.


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