Q&A Search Results

*Search by card name or text displayed on card
*Other than rules, some abilities and attacks of cards are also published.

269 Results
3 / 14pages
  • What does the "Trading" in "Pokémon Trading Card Game" mean?
    Trading means exchanging cards with a friend from your respective collections.When trading cards, people usually exchange cards with the same rarity mark (★、◆、●) on the bottom left corner.
  • What are Damage Counters?
    They are used to indicate the amount of damage a Pokémon has taken from attacks and such. There are several types of damage counters, indicating either 10 or 50 damage. When a card's effect mentions damage counters, it always means the "10 damage" type of damage counters.
  • What is "Resistance"?
    A Pokémon's Resistance is a type it's advantaged against. When a Pokémon takes damage from a Pokémon that is the same type as its Resistance, that damage is reduced by the number written in its Resistance.
  • What is a "deck"?
    A deck is a set of cards used to play the game, containing a mix of Pokémon cards, Trainer cards, and Energy cards. Two players face each other, each using their own deck. There are two types of deck: standard decks of 60 cards, and half decks containing 30 cards.
  • What does the "hand" mean?
    Your hand is the cards you can use during your turn. Hold them in such a way that your opponent cannot see what these cards are, only their back.
  • What does "Poisoned" mean?
    "Poisoned" is a Special Condition afflicted to Pokémon by effects from the opponent's attacks and such. To show a Pokémon is Poisoned, put a Poison Marker on it. Put one damage counter (worth 10 damage) on Poisoned Pokémon during each Pokémon Checkup between turns.The Poisoned Special Condition can be healed by: - Having the Poisoned Pokémon retreat to the Bench - Evolving the Poisoned Pokémon - Using Item cards such as "Full Heal"
  • What are "Special Energy" cards?
    They are Energy cards with special effects that activate when attached to a Pokémon.
  • What are "Special Conditions"?
    "Special Conditions" refers to the "Poisoned", "Burned", "Asleep", "Paralyzed" and "Confused" conditions.
  • What is an "Ability"?
    Abilities are skills your Pokémon in play can use during your turn, seperate from an attack. Some Abilities are activated when their player decides to use them, while some other work automatically. They're similar to the old "Poképowers" and "Pokébodies", but are treated as a different kind of power.
  • What is the "Discard Pile"?
    The Discard Pile is where you put the Trainer cards after using them, and Pokémon after they've been Knocked Out, among other things.
  • What is HP?
    HP is a Pokémon’s Health Points, like its stamina. If a Pokémon takes damage equal or above its HP count, it is Knocked Out.
  • What are "Trainer" cards?
    Trainer cards can be played from your hand during your turn, in order to use the effects written on them and help your Pokémon in battle. There are 3 categories of Trainer cards: Supporter, Stadium and Item cards. During your turn you can only play one Supporter and one Stadium, but you can play any number of Item cards.
  • What does "Retreat" mean?
    A Pokémon retreating means it switches places with a Benched Pokémon. In order for a Pokémon to retreat to the Bench, you must discard from it Energy equal to its Retreat Cost. After making a Pokémon retreat to the Bench, you must choose another Benched Pokémon to send to the Active Spot. You may only retreat once per turn, during your turn.
  • What does "Asleep" mean?
    "Asleep" is a Special Condition afflicted to Pokémon by effects from the opponent's attacks and such. To show a Pokémon is Asleep, it is turned to the side. An Asleep Pokémon cannot attack nor retreat. If a Pokémon is Asleep, flip a coin during each Pokémon Checkup between turns: if heads, that Pokémon is no longer Asleep.Other ways to heal the Asleep Special Condition include: - Evolving the Asleep Pokémon - Using Item cards such as "Full Heal"
  • What is a "half deck"?
    It's a deck made of 30 cards. It can include up to 2 cards with the same name. Games with half decks are played with 3 prize cards per player.
  • What is the Active Spot?
    It is the area where Pokémon battle. The Pokémon in the Active Spot are called Active Pokémon.
  • What is the Active Pokémon?
    It is the Pokémon battling in the Active Spot. Only Active Pokémon can attack.
  • What is a playmat?
    A playmat is a mat with position markers for play areas such as your Active Spot, Bench and such. Playmats make play more comfortable, but they are not mandatory to play.
  • What are Promo Cards?
    They're special promotional cards that can be obtained by participating in official events and campaigns, or cards that come as a bonus with books and such.
  • What is the "Bench"?
    The Bench is where you place your backup Pokémon. These Pokémon are called "Benched Pokémon". A player can have up to 5 Benched Pokémon in play at any one time.


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