Event FAQ & Contact


Before the event

Can I cancel my registration?
Yes, you can cancel your registration in "My Page" > "Currently Registered Events".
Until when can I cancel my registration?
You can cancel your registration until just before the event start time. Note that, unless a legitimate reason can be provided, players who are absent from the event without having properly canceled their registration may be banned from future events.
I can't register for the event. Why is that?
It might be for one of the two following reasons:
- You're not logged into your Trainers Website account.
- The event you're trying to register for is not compatible with your age division.
Can I register for the same event with several accounts?
Whether or not they are used for registering for events, owning several accounts goes against the terms of use of the Trainers Website. If you realize you have several accounts, please immediately submit a Contact form.
Click here to contact us.
What happens when there are more applications than there are spots available?
An application limit is set according to the capacity of the event. If the number of applications goes over that limit, participants will be selected among all applicants through a lottery system.
I didn't register my deck list in time and missed the deck registration deadline. What should I do?
If you still wish to participate, on the day of the event please come to the check-in counter during check-in time. You will receive a Round 1 loss, but will be able to participate from Round 2. Staff members will give you more details on the day of the event.
If you do not wish to attend the event, please make sure to cancel your registration for that event via "My Page".
Can I change my deck list after the deck registration deadline?
Even if you change your registered deck list after the registration deadline, please make sure that on the day of the event you use the list that you had registered before the deadline. If during a deck check it appears that the contents of your deck do not match the list you had registered at that time, you may get a penalty such as a Round Loss or higher.
I changed my deck list after the deck registration deadline. Can I use the last deck list I registered?
Players are not allowed to change their deck after the deck registration deadline. If you still changed your deck after the registration deadline, please make sure that on the day of the event you play the list you had registered before the deadline. If during a deck check it appears that the contents of your deck do not match the list you had registered at that time, you may get a penalty such as a Round Loss or higher.
I wasn't able to apply for the event during the registration period, but I would still like to participate. Is there anything I can do?
On the day of the event, once check-in for pre-registered players is over, walk-in participation might be possible on a first-come-first-served basis if there happens to be any spots left. Do note that this will depend on the circumstances at the time, and that we cannot guarantee you will be able to participate.
I have a invite with a Bye. At what time should I be at the venue?
Players with Byes must still go through check-in within the dedicated check-in time and attend the Player Meeting, just like all other players. Please then stay inside the venue and wait for your first match to start.
What means of transportation should I use to get to the venue?
Please check the event venue's official website for access information.
I won't be able to arrive before the end of check-in time (because of work, school, or the state of public transportation, etc.). Will that be counted as tardiness?
Players who have not completed check-in by the end of the dedicated check-in time will be considered as being late. Please plan your day and transportation so that you can be here in time.
Instead of a parent, can I have a friend accompany me as a guardian?
We recommend having an adult relative as your accompanying guardian, but if that is not possible, someone else can assume that responsibility with your family's consent.
Do accompanying guardians have to be at the venue for the whole duration of the event?
Yes, accompanying guardians are responsible for their player's safety for the whole duration of the event. Players whose accompanying guardian is not present may be disqualified from the event.

During the event

Can I still participate if I show up late?
If you arrive before the end of Round 1, you may still participate from Round 2. In this case, please talk to a staff member in the venue as soon as you can.
I was late and missed the start of Round 2. Can I still participate from Round 3?
No, you can't. Players who have not arrived by the end of Round 1 will be disqualified.
What should I do if I need to go home part way through the tournament?
You will need to submit a Drop-Out request. To do so, simply fill in all necessary information in the Drop-Out slip available at the Judge Station.
Note that any players who leave the tournament without submitting a Drop-Out request will be disqualified and lose their results up to that point in the event, as well as any benefits from those results.
How can I know the detailed match schedule?
Announcements will be made at the event as soon as preparations for the next round are ready.
Is there a lunch or dinner break?
Details vary for each individual event, but as a general rule there is no plan for a break over one hour between any of the rounds.
Where and when are prizes (participation prize, victory prize, top placement prize) handed over?
Prizes will be distributed during the event. Details will be announced at the event.
When scanning the Online Check-in QR code, I get the "Waiting" status. What does that mean?
If you weren't selected for the event, scanning the QR code will show the "Waiting" status. You might still be able to participate as a Walk-in participant: by queuing up at the Walk-in counter before the end of Check-in time, and waiting for an announcement about the possibility of Walk-in participation.
I have trouble figuring out how to submit my match results online. What should I do?
I'm not able to submit my results online.
Maybe you did not enter your Player ID on the screen that appeared after you scanned the Pairings QR code. Please try logging in as shown in this guide:
I'm not seeing my matches on the match result submission screen.
Maybe you did not enter your Player ID on the screen that appeared after you scanned the Pairings QR code. Please try logging in as shown in this guide:
There's a mistake in my recorded match results. What should I do?
Please promptly go to the Judge Station during the appeal time period. Once you've made an appeal, please wait there as we will call your opponent to check the results with both of you.
Note that if you don't make an appeal within the dedicated time, results can NOT be modified afterwards.
I don't know my Player ID – where can I find it?
You can find your Trainer ID by logging into your Trainers Website account, in "My Page".
I've forgotten by Trainers Website password. What should I do?
Please reset your password and get a new one. Note that if you input the wrong password 3 times, your account will be locked for 15 minutes. Please make sure you arrive early enough to have the time to reset your password and complete the online check-in before the end of Check-in time.
Can I change my registered deck list?
Deck lists can't be changed past the Deck Registration deadline.
Where can I find information on the Deck Registration deadline?
You can find it in the announcement post on the Trainers Website. Depending on your region, a Decklist Registration deadline reminder may also be posted on the official Facebook page.
I've accidentally damaged (bent, torn...) a card I'm using in the tournament. I don't have an extra copy of that card on me. What should I do?
Please go to the Judge Station's Information Counter and explain the situation.
Can I eat and drink inside the venue?
Water bottles with caps are allowed within the venue, but please refrain from bringing any other food of drinks inside the venue. Hydrating during the event is allowed and encouraged, but otherwise eating and drinking at match tables is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining a play environment where participants can focus on their matches.
Where should I go if I've lost something?
Please first go to the Judge Station, where we will point you towards the Lost & Found counter.
Am I allowed to take pictures of my child while they're playing?
You can take pictures from outside the matches area. However, please refrain from talking to your child during the match, as to not interfere with the fairness of the game.
My friend who was supposed to receive prizes today is unable to get them in person – can I get their prizes for them instead?
We cannot hand over prizes to anyone but the player their are meant for.
We will be checking Player IDs when handing over prizes, so make sure to be here in person to get yours.

After the event

Please let me see the results of the tournament.
We cannot reply to individual questions regarding detailed event information such as final standings, deck lists, etc.
I would like to object to a ruling that was made during the event. Please re-evaluate the ruling.
Except for a few very limited cases, rulings that have been made during the event cannot be changed retroactively. If you would like to appeal a ruling, please do so promptly during the event, by explaining the situation to a Judge.
I've lost a personal belonging during the event. Where should I go to get it back?
We may be able to deal with lost item requests if they are made within one week after the event ended. Please complete and send a contact form with your name, Player ID, day on which the item was lost, and a description of the lost item(s). Please note that we will not be able to deal with requests made more than one week after the end of the event.
I forgot to get prizes I was supposed to receive at the venue. I had a right to those prizes, so please send them to my address.

I didn't receive the LP I was expecting to get.
Look forward to more information on LP rewards in the future.