Q&A Search Results

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*Other than rules, some abilities and attacks of cards are also published.

3 Results
1 / 1pages
  • Related Cards Brandon
    Can I use the "Brandon" Supporter when I have Benched Pokémon but my opponent doesn't have any?
    Yes, you can.
  • Related Cards Brandon
    Can I use the "Brandon" Supporter when neither player has any Benched Pokémon?
    No, you can't.
  • Related Cards Brandon
    My Pokémon V with a "Sky Seal Stone" Pokémon Tool attached used the VSTAR Power Ability "Star Order". During that turn, if my opponent's Active Corvinight VMAX with the "Lustrous Body" Ability is knocked out by damage from my Basic Pokémon V's attack, do I take one more prize card?
    Yes, you do.


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