Q&A Search Results

*Search by card name or text displayed on card
*Other than rules, some abilities and attacks of cards are also published.

352 Results
7 / 18pages
  • Can I put an Evolution Pokémon card in play if I don't have the Basic Pokémon (or previous Evolution Pokémon) in play?
    No, you can't. The Basic Pokémon (or previous Evolution) must already be in play. To evolve a Pokémon, put the Evolution card on top of the Basic Pokémon (or previous Evolution).
  • Some Pokémon cards don't have any numbers written in their Weakness and Resistance – how do you apply Weakness and Resistance in this case?
    If a Pokémon doesn't have any numbers written in its Weakness and Resistance, apply Weakness as "×2" and Resistance as "-30" when calculating damage from their respective types.If a Pokémon doesn't have any Energy symbols in its Weakness and/or Resistance, that means that Pokémon doesn't have a Weakness and/or Resistance, and it isn't applied when calculating damage.
  • If my Active Pokémon's Retreat Cost is 2, but it only has 1 Energy attached, can I make it retreat to the bench by discarding one Energy card from my hand in addition to the one Energy attached to my Active Pokémon?
    No, you can't.In order to have a Pokémon retreat to the bench, it needs to have at least as many Energy attached to it as its Retreat Cost: otherwise not enough Energy can be discarded to pay for its Retreat Cost, and it can't retreat.
  • How many Trainer cards with the same name can I put in my deck?
    There is a limit to how many cards with the same name (except for Basic Energy) you can put in your deck: up to 2 for 30-cards half decks, and up to 4 for 60-cards standard decks.
  • When flipping a coin during Pokémon Checkup for a Pokémon with the Burned or Asleep Special Conditions, should that Pokémon's owner do the flipping?
    Yes, the Pokémon's owner should be the one flipping the coin. If flipping for both Burned and Asleep, they should flip two coins separately.
  • If an attack also does 10 damage to a Benched Pokémon, should Weakness and Resistance be applied for that damage?
    No, Weakness and Resistance are not applied when calculating damage to Benched Pokémon.
  • Can Abilities also be used from the Bench?
    So long as the Ability's text doesn't specify "When this Pokémon is in the Active Spot" or "When this Pokémon is on your Bench", it can be used whether the Pokémon is in the Active Spot or on the Bench.
  • On the turn where I drew the last card in my deck, if I also Knocked Out my opponent's Pokémon and took my final Prize Card, or if my opponent ran out of Pokémon to send in the Active Spot, who wins the game?
    Having zero cards left in the deck is not a loss condition in itself. In a situation where you have zero cards left in your deck and you took your final Prize card, or your opponent doesn't have a Pokémon to send to the Active Spot, you win.
  • During my turn, can I play any number of Trainer cards?
    Yes, you can play any number of Trainer cards. If you have several "Item" cards, "Technical Machine" cards, and/or "Pokémon Tool" cards, you can play as many as you like during the same turn. However, you can only play one "Supporter" card and one "Stadium" card during the same turn, in addition to other types of Trainer cards.
  • Is there a difference between moves whose damage "isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, or any other effects" and moves whose damage "isn't affected by Resistance or any other effects"?
    If a move's effect states that "This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, or any other effects", then you would indeed calculate the damage without taking into account Weakness, Resistance, nor any other effects on the opponent's Pokémon.If however a move's effect states that "This attack's damage isn't affected by Resistance or any other effects", you would just apply Weakness when calculating the damage.
  • If my Active Pokémon gets Knocked Out during my opponent's turn, when should I send out a new Active Pokémon from the Bench?
    In this case, the Knock Out is confirmed and resolved during the opponent's turn.Knock Out resolution order goes as follows: you discard your Active Pokémon and all cards attached to it, your opponent takes a prize card, then you send out a new Active Pokémon from your Bench. If at this point you cannot send out a new Active Pokémon, you lose instantly.
  • If my Pokémon was Knocked Out during Pokémon Checkup by an effect such as the Poisoned or Burned Special Conditions, should I immediately send a new Active Pokémon from the Bench?
    Yes, if a Pokémon is Knocked Out during Pokémon Checkup, immediately choose a new Active Pokémon from the Bench. Then begin the next player's turn.
  • Can I mix cards from different Pokémon TCG Series in my deck?
    Yes, you can. When playing at home, feel free to mix cards from different Series. But do keep in mind that official events have rules and formats specifying which cards you are allowed to use, so make sure to check those before entering an event.
  • What happens if, during the game, I end up with zero cards in hand?
    The game continues even when a player has no cards in hand. You will draw a card from your deck at the beginning of your turn, which you can then use to keep playing.
  • Is there a limit to the total number of Special Energy cards I can put in my deck?
    There is no limitation on how many different kinds of Special Energy cards you put in your deck, but there is a limit to how many copies of the same Special Energy card you can include: up to 2 copies for 30-cards half decks, and up to 4 copies for 60-cards standard decks.
  • If all of my Pokémon in play have Abilities, can I use all of their Abilities during each of my turns?
    Yes, you can.Keep in mind however that, even in a situation where you would be allowed to use an Ability, you can't use it if you don't satisfy all of the conditions specified in its effect text.
  • Can a Pokémon retreat when it is Paralyzed or Asleep?
    No, it can't.
  • Can I use Items, a Supporter, and a Stadium all in the same turn?
    Yes, you can.
  • Should Prize Cards be drawn in a specific order?
    No, there is no specific order.The player taking Prize Cards can draw them in any order they like.
  • If I switched my Active Pokémon with a Benched Pokémon, can the Pokémon that was just sent out to the Active Spot attack?
    Yes, so long as it has the necessary Energy to attack, it can.Note that attacking should be the last action in your turn.


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