Q&A Search Results

*Search by card name or text displayed on card
*Other than rules, some abilities and attacks of cards are also published.

352 Results
8 / 18pages
  • When an attack does damage to a Benched Pokémon, who chooses which Pokémon takes damage?
    Unless specified otherwise, the owner of the Pokémon using the attack chooses.
  • Can my Pokémon evolve or attack on the turn it recovered from a Special Condition?
    Yes, it can.
  • If a Pokémon doesn't have any Energy written in the Retreat part, is it still able to retreat?
    Yes, it can still retreat.If a Pokémon doesn't have any Energy written in the Retreat part, that means it has no Retreat Cost and doesn't need to discard any Energy to retreat.
  • Should Pokémon Checkup be done even if my opponent's Pokémon doesn't have a Special Condition?
    Yes, Pokémon Checkup should always be done after the end of each player's turn, without exception.
  • What does the "×2" written on the bottom of Pokémon cards mean?
    It is the Weakness multiplier. If a Pokémon takes damage from attacks by Pokémon of the same type as its Weakness, that damage is doubled.
  • Can I attach an Energy to a Pokémon after retreating my Active Pokémon to the Bench?
    Yes, so long as you haven't already attached an Energy this turn, you can. The player is free to choose the order in which to perform the actions available to them during their turn.
  • If a Pokémon that has a Pokémon Tool attached evolves, devolves, or levels up, does the Pokémon Tool get discarded?
    No, the Pokémon Tool doesn't get discarded. Just like Energy cards and such, all cards attached to the Pokémon stay attached.
  • Can Promo cards I got in events etc. be used in tournaments?
    The format and rules differ from event to event, so please check them before participating.
  • What is the difference between Abilities that can be used "Once during your turn" and those that can be used "As often as you like during your turn"?
    When an Ability's text says "Once during your turn", it means you can use that effect once during each of your turns (not once per game).If an Ability's text says "As often as you like during your turn", it means you can use it any number of times during the same turn.
  • If I put an Energy into my hand through the effect of a Supporter etc., can I attach it to one of my Pokémon in play during that same turn?
    Yes you can, so long as you haven't already attached an Energy this turn.
  • If I don't have a Basic Pokémon in my starting hand, can I play a Stage 1 or Stage 2 Evolution Pokémon instead?
    No, you can't.Only Pokémon that have "Basic" written on them can be put in play at the beginning of the game.
  • If a Pokémon with 2 Weaknesses is attacked by a Pokémon that is both of those types, does the damage get quadrupled?
    Yes, it does.
  • If I end up without any cards left in my deck, when do I lose?
    If a player was unable to draw a card at the beginning of their turn, they lose immediately.
  • If I have several Pokémon with different Abilities on my Bench, can I use each of their Abilities during the same turn?
    Yes, you can. During your turn, you may use each of your Pokémon's Abilities.
  • Can the player going second play Item, Supporter and Stadium cards on their first turn?
    Yes, the player going second can play Item, Supporter and Stadium cards on their first turn. However, some cards' text specify that they can't be played on the first turn.
  • Is there a list of cards that are allowed in tournaments?
    Cards that are allowed in official and authorized tournaments may differ from event to event. When participating in a tournament, make sure you check the event's format and rules.
  • What is the exact timing of "the end of your turn" mentioned in some cards' text?
    "The end of your turn" happens just before Pokémon Checkup.Your turn ends when you've finished doing all the actions you can perform during your turn, and you have either used an attack or declared to your opponent that you are ending your turn. Pokémon Checkup takes place after your turn has fully ended, including any actions happening at the end of your turn. As such, Pokémon Checkup is not included in "your turn".
  • During my turn, can I use my Active Pokémon's Ability, switch it with one of my Benched Pokémon, then attack with my new Active Pokémon?
    Yes, you can.
  • Am I allowed to check what cards are in my opponent's Lost Zone?
    Yes, you can.
  • If both player's Active Pokémon are affected with Special Conditions such as Asleep or Burned, should both players flip coins during Pokémon Checkup?
    Yes, both players should flip coins for their respective Pokémon during Pokémon Checkup.


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