Q&A Search Results

*Search by card name or text displayed on card
*Other than rules, some abilities and attacks of cards are also published.

352 Results
9 / 18pages
  • When I Knock Out my opponent's Active Pokémon, what happens to my own Active Pokémon?
    Even after your opponent's Active Pokémon has been Knocked Out, so long as your own Active Pokémon has any HP left, your Pokémon stays in the Active Spot.
  • When a Pokémon evolves, do all effects from attacks that were affecting it disappear?
    Yes, they disappear.
  • How are Abilities used?
    Abilities can be used during your turn. If the Ability's text specifies conditions such as "If this Pokémon is in the Active Spot" or "If this Pokémon is on the Bench", the Ability can only be used when these conditions are met. Some Abilities' text also specify a timing when they can be used, such as "When your opponent's Pokémon attacks".
  • Can several Abilities be used at the exact same time?
    No, they can't.Each individual Ability should be resolved one after another.
  • Can Abilities be used during Pokémon checkup?
    Unless stated otherwise in the Ability's text, Abilities can't be used during Pokémon Checkup.
  • If a Pokémon has a Tool with an evolution effect, can it evolve even on the first turn of the game?
    Yes, it can.
  • If both player's Active Pokémon were Knocked Out at the same time during Pokémon Checkup, which player should bring out a new Active Pokémon first?
    The player whose turn will start next must bring out their new Active Pokémon first.
  • Can I participate in tournaments with a deck that contains cards from an older Series?
    It depends on the official tournament's format. If those cards from older Series are format-legal for that official tournament, you can use them.
  • Can I play a Stadium card when a Stadium with the same name I played last turn is still in play?
    No, neither player can play a Stadium with the same name as the Stadium already in play.
  • If I attached an Energy to my Pokémon and used its first attack, can I leave that Energy attached and then add another one to use its second attack on the following turn? In this case, after using the second attack, what happens to those Energy and Pokémon cards?
    Energy attached to a Pokémon stays attached after using an attack, unless specified otherwise. So long as a Pokémon has the required Energy attached, it can reuse the same attack any number of times.
  • Can I attach any number of Pokémon Tools to my Pokémon during my turn?
    Yes, you can. Pokémon Tools are Trainer cards and you can play as many as you like during your turn. However, you can't attach 2 or more Pokémon Tool cards to the same Pokémon.
  • If I put a Pokémon onto my Bench through the effect of an attack, can I evolve it during my next turn?
    Yes, you can evolve it.
  • Can a Pokémon evolve into a Pokémon of a different type?
    Yes, it can.
  • When an Ability's text specifies "Once during your turn", does that mean I can only use it "once per game", or "once during each of my turns"?
    When an Ability's text says "Once during your turn", it means you can use that effect once during each of your turns, not just once per game.
  • When attaching Energy during my turn, can I attach it to a Basic Pokémon I just put on my Bench this turn?
    Yes, you can. During your turn, you may attach Energy to any of your Pokémon, even one you just played this turn.
  • Can my Active Pokémon attack after using an Ability?
    Yes, it can.Using an Ability is one of the actions you can perform in any order during your turn. If you then use an attack, your turn ends.
  • If my Active Pokémon uses an attack that makes it also deal damage to itself, does that self-damage take into account Weakness and Resistance?
    Yes, it does.
  • When the opponent flips a coin with the effect of an attack or Trainer card, is there a rule specifying whether they should flip with the coin starting heads face up or tails face up?
    No, there is no specific rule regarding the coin's starting position.If necessary, discuss with your opponent and come to an agreement on how to flip the coin.
  • If my Pokémon is Asleep, Paralyzed or Confused, can I still draw a card at the beginning of my turn? Can I still attach Energy to my Pokémon, or evolve them?
    Yes, you can. Special Conditions such as Asleep, Paralyzed and Confused only affect the Active Pokémon, not its player. As such, you still draw a card at the beginning of your turn and can still perform all other actions normally available to you during your turn.
  • If during a turn I've used an Ability and also attached an Energy, can I also use an attack as well?
    Yes, you can. During your turn you are free to perform actions such as using Abilities and attaching an Energy in any order, then finish your turn by using an attack.There are also some Abilities that work automatically just by being in play, without needing you to activate them.


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