Q&A Search Results

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*Other than rules, some abilities and attacks of cards are also published.

12 Results
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  • What does "Retreat" mean?
    A Pokémon retreating means it switches places with a Benched Pokémon. In order for a Pokémon to retreat to the Bench, you must discard from it Energy equal to its Retreat Cost. After making a Pokémon retreat to the Bench, you must choose another Benched Pokémon to send to the Active Spot. You may only retreat once per turn, during your turn.
  • What is an "Item"?
    They're a kind of Trainer cards, and you can play as many Item cards as you like during your turn. They have useful effects to help you in battle, such as healing damage and Special Conditions, or switching your Active Pokémon with a Benched Pokémon.
  • If I switched my Active Pokémon with a Benched Pokémon, can the Pokémon that was just sent out to the Active Spot attack?
    Yes, so long as it has the necessary Energy to attack, it can.Note that attacking should be the last action in your turn.
  • During my turn, can I use my Active Pokémon's Ability, switch it with one of my Benched Pokémon, then attack with my new Active Pokémon?
    Yes, you can.
  • After using an attack, can I switch my Active Pokémon with a Benched Pokémon?
    No – since using an attack ends your turn, you can't then switch your Active Pokémon with a Benched Pokémon. You will be able to switch them during your next turn.
  • During my turn, can I bring to the Active Spot a Pokémon I just played on the Bench?
    Yes, you can. However, to get your Benched Pokémon in the Active Spot, you will need to either retreat your Active Pokémon, or use the effect of a card that lets you switch your Active Pokémon with a Benched Pokémon.
  • How can I move my Active Pokémon back to the Bench?
    To move your Active Pokémon back to the Bench, you can either retreat it, or use the effect of an attack or a Trainer card that lets you switch it with a Benched Pokémon.
  • After my Active Pokémon has been Knocked Out, I put a Pokémon from the Bench in the Active Spot, but then changed my mind – can I immediately put a different Pokémon in its place?
    No, you can't. Once you've put a new Pokémon in the Active Spot, you can't switch it until it's your turn, where you can then retreat it or switch it with a Benched Pokémon with the effect of a card.
  • Related Cards Ditto V Lugia V Gumshoos
    During my opponent's last turn, their Ditto V moved from the bench to the Active spot, then used its "V Transformation" Ability to switch itself with a Lugia V from my opponent's discard pile. If on my turn my Gumshoos then used its "Stakeout Headbutt" attack, how much damage would be dealt to Lugia V?
    150 damage.
  • Related Cards Skuntank V Rockruff Switch
    My opponent used the "Switch" item to switch their Active Rockruff with their Benched Pokémon. During my next turn, if I used Skuntank V's "Pursuit Blast" attack and chose that Benched Rockruff, would the attack deal 120 damage to it?
    No, it wouldn't.
  • Related Cards Ditto V Skuntank V Lugia V
    During my opponent's last turn, their Ditto V retreated to the Bench, then used its "V Transformation" Ability to switch itself with a Lugia V from my opponent's discard pile. During my next turn, if I used Skuntank V's "Pursuit Blast" attack and chose that Benched Lugia V, would the attack deal 120 damage?
    Yes it would.
  • Related Cards Bellossom
    If I used Bellossom's "Flower Spin" attack and flipped all tails, do I still switch Bellossom with one of my Benched Pokémon even though the attack doesn't deal any damage?
    Yes, you do.


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