Q&A Search Results

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3 Results
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  • Can I use Hatterene VMAX's "Witch's Domain" Ability to move 2 damage counters from my Pokémon to my opponent's Active Pokémon while the "Dyna Tree Hill" Stadium is in play?
    Yes, you can. Moving damage counters and healing damage are two different things.
  • Related Cards Hatterene VMAX
    Can I use Hatterene VMAX's "Witch's Domain" Ability to move 2 damage counters from my Pokémon to my opponent's Active Pokémon that only has 10 HP remaining?
    Yes, you can.
  • Related Cards Enamorus V Hatterene VMAX
    When my opponent has Enamorus V with the "Guardian of Love" Ability in play, can I use Hatterene VMAX's "Witch's Domain" Ability to move 2 damage counters from my Pokémon to my opponent's Active Pokémon that has a Psychic Energy attached?
    Yes, you can. However, in this case, effects of Abilities on your opponent's Active Pokémon would be prevented by the "Guardian of Love" Ability, so you would only remove the damage counters from your Pokémon, with no further effect.


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